Knowledge Building Innovation Network

What Is Knowledge Building?

Knowledge building engages students directly in the processes through which knowledge is advanced in the world. It envisions formal education to create pathways for all students to become part of a rapidly evolving knowledge-creating culture crucial for today’s society. Besides developing knowledge as a personal good, students in knowledge-building classrooms are empowered to create knowledge as a “public good” of value to their communities and the world.

What We Do

Knowledge building has its footprints in more than 20 countries around the world. As an ambitious approach to education, its implementation requires a system of theories, principle-based practices, technologies, and analytics to work synergistically together. It demands critical reflection on current systems and creative redesign of educational infrastructures in order to continually improve conditions for knowledge building.

The Knowledge Building Innovation Network (KBIN) brings together interdisciplinary expertise and diverse experiences of working with education systems around the world to develop and improve infrastructures for knowledge building. KBIN strives for systemic educational change through technology innovation, robust research, and local capacity building. It is committed to creating and sustaining research–practice partnerships, as well as reciprocal partnerships among international collaborators. By leveraging the collective intelligence of educators, researchers, and engineers, and through iterative design and development, KBIN produces practical models of implementing knowledge building in diverse educational systems, as well as resources and infrastructures sharable among members of the network.

Penn Global Project: KBIN in Greater China

With support from the Penn Global Research & Engagement Grant Program, we launched an innovation network in 2023 to support K–12 educators in Greater China to implement knowledge building while designing innovative ways of integrating the UN Sustainable Development Goals in their schools. This effort responds to a strong interest in alternative visions of education in Greater China. Following the design-based implementation research approach, KBIN bridges Penn and two university–school partnerships in Nanjing and Taipei, engaging teachers, school leaders, and researchers in generating actionable plans to integrate knowledge building and sustainable development in their schools.

KB Coach

To support teachers (both pre-service and in-service) in the Network, we developed an AI tool—KB Coach—to support teacher learning in Knowledge Building (KB) and teacher design of KB lessons.

KB Coach has two main features: (1) carrying out free-flow, reflective conversations with teachers; and (2) providing rubric-based evaluation of lesson designs provided by teachers. Both features are grounded in relevant literature and resources.


  1. Seet, C. H., Chang, Y.-H., Chen, M., Chen, B., & Hong, H.-Y. (2024, October). Integrate design thinking and knowledge building for teacher professional development. Paper presented at the 2024 Knowledge Building Summer Institute, Singapore.