Learning Futures Research Group represented at CSCL2017 in Philadelphia

By: Admin, on 23 Jun 2017

Dr. Bodong Chen and Tianhui Huang attended CSCL 2017 in Philadelphia during the past week. CSCL is a flagship conference under the International Society of the Learning Sciences. During the conference, Dr. Chen co-chaired a half-day workshop, co-organized the New Members Session, presented in a symposium, and served as a discussant in a paper session related to learning analytics. Tianhui actively interacted with CSCL scholars from around the world and shared informally about her recent recent work on the ‘rich club phenomenon’ in online discourse. We also had a lot of fun hang out with CEHD friends/colleagues attending the conference.

The next CSCL conference will take place in 2019 in Lyon, France, after its sister ICLS conference to be held in London, UK in 2018.